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MONDAY 21, TUESDAY 22/09/2020


Confirmation  receipt of the notification  or information about admission to the waiting list  you will receive up to 3  days  from the date of sending the registration form.

* * *

Note on signing up for classes  in pairs


For open classes  in pairs you can  register  with a permanent partner or independently (solo).

If you are registering in a couple, enter the name and surname of your partner in the form and ask her / him  about the message  separate notification up to 48 hours  

In both cases, you can choose whether to dance in pairs in a solid pair or in a pair rotation system.

I choose classes:
Zapisuję się jako:
Na zajęciach w parach chcę tańczyć:

Partner / partner data

If you have chosen to dance in alternating pairs, you can still sign up with someone to secure that person a place on the course.

Czy brałeś/aś udział w zajęciach w poprzednim sezonie lub w naszych warsztatach intensywnych w ostatnich miesiącach?
Akceptuję warunki podane w zamieszczonym poniżej regulaminie:
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych według zamieszczonej poniżej polityki prywatności:

Please complete all fields!



You will receive confirmation from us within 3 days.

Nice to see you join!




The legal organizer of the courses is the Golden Age Swing Swing & Sway Culture Foundation based in Krakow (31-010) at Rynek Główny 28;  KRS: 0000496879; NIP: 6793098148; REGON: 123039099


1 . The organizer declares  that  has  civil liability insurance for running a business and property ownership issued by Warta Extrabiznes Plus.

2 . The schedule of classes is informative. The organizer will make every effort to ensure that all classes are held in accordance with the published schedule.  

3. In special cases, the Organizer reserves the right to change the places and dates of individual classes, maintaining the appropriate date of announcement of changes.


Registration conditions

1. Registration for the course is made by the participant by selecting the courses he / she chooses.

2 .   After submitting the form, the Participant receives by e-mail a "Confirmation of receipt of the application" containing further instructions on registration.

3.  Ultimate  confirmation  registration is to make a payment for the course  within 48 hours from sending the "Confirmation" by the Organizer  receipt  applications ".   If the Participant decides to pay in installments, the payment of the first installment will be considered the final confirmation of registration.  If the Participant does not send the amount due within the set deadline, his registration will be canceled.  


Consent to use the image

By participating in events organized by the Swing & Sway Foundation,  The participant agrees to the publication and use of his image recorded in any form (photo, recording and other).


By signing up for our classes, using our newsletter or simply by contacting us, you provide us with your personal data and we guarantee that it will remain safe and confidential.  and  will not be made available to any third parties without your express consent.

Below you will find details of the processing of your personal data.

1. Your administrator  personal data is the Foundation  Culture of the Golden Age of Swing "Swing & Sway"
Address: Rynek Główny 28, 31-010 Kraków

Nip: 679 309 81 48,  Regon: 123039099,  KRS: 0000496879


E-mail address:

The representative of the Administrator is Anna Makselan-Vieux,

2. When you register for a course, we process your name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number . When you register for the newsletter, we process your name and e-mail address.

3. Your data is processed on the basis of art. 6 sec. lit. f GDPR , i.e. based on the necessity to process data for purposes resulting from the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator.  The legitimate interests pursued by our Foundation consist in offering you services in the field of the dance school offer.  We process data only to the extent necessary for these purposes and by  the period necessary to perform the contract or until your consent is withdrawn  or until the end of our activity.

4 . Providing your data is voluntary, but necessary to register for the course or subscribe to the newsletter.

5 .  your data  Nope  are processed in an automated manner. Only trained persons gain access to your data  from the principles of data processing and protection and persons who have signed a confidentiality obligation. We do not allow the processing of data of persons who are not authorized to do so. Authorized persons cannot grant further authorizations. We grant authorizations to process your data  only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of processing.

6. In connection with the processing of your data, you have the right to:

- request access to your personal data from us

- request us to correct your personal data

- request us to delete your personal data

- requests from us to limit the processing of your personal data

- object to the processing of your personal data

- transferring your personal data

- lodging a complaint to the supervisory authority

You can exercise the above rights by contacting us at


  • Receive a notification as soon as we publish a new post on the News page

  • Get information about new courses, events  and promotions

Ready! Check your inbox and set the folder where you want to receive our notifications.

We stay in touch!


Courses location

Pałac Pod Baranami


Rynek Główny 27, I piętro



Other cases

Privacy policy

Social Media



Invoice details

Fundacja Kultury Złotej Ery Swingu Swing & Sway

Zygmunta Augusta 5/2 ; 31-504 Kraków 

Nip 679 309 81 48

Bank transfer details

Swing & Sway, BZWBK Bank

Regular courses, online courses, donations

34 1090 1665 0000 0001 2303 3141

Intense courses, events, online courses, donations

36 1090 1665 0000 0001 2303 3396

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

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(c) 2021 Design Anna Makselan-Vieux

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