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Intense Swing Dance courses

Spring - Summer 2021

Intensive Swing Dance


Poznawaj podstawy tańców swingowych w trybie intensywnym lub szlifuj swoje umiejętności na warsztatach tematycznych!


Kursy intensywne i warsztaty odbywają się najczęściej:

  • w trybie weekendowym

  • w formie kilkugodzinnych jednorazowych spotkań rozłożonych na kilka tygodni 


W ramach intensywnych kursów i warsztatów możesz spodziewać się zajęć:

  • Lindy Hop

  • Authentic Jazzu

  • Charlestona

  • Balboa

  • Boogie Woogie

i innych pokrewnych technik swingowych.

Warsztaty intensywne prowadzone są zarówno przez naszych instruktorów, jak i Gości Specjalnych.


Lista kursów intensywnych na wiosnę 2021 jest uzupełniana na bieżąco.

Do zobaczenia na parkiecie!

Swayowy Team


Swingout Challenge

Tuesday 30.03.2021, 9.00 p.m.

Pałac Pod Baranami, 1st floor, in front of the cinema "Kino Pod Baranami", Rynek Główny 27

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Lindy Hop
Thematic course

Swingout Challenge

Swingout Challenge, the last edition of workshops with Marta in the lead role!

Marta promised to visit us, but she is going to Sweden in September and this is the last opportunity in the near future to take advantage of her classes!

Together with Tomek, they will run a 4-hour "Swingout Challenge - technique, types and variations" workshop for you.

Come  explore the secrets of the most popular Lindy Hop figure!  

Knowledge of basic swingout is required to join classes. We'll do the rest on the spot!

Dates of classes

  1. Monday , August 30 at 18.00-20.00

  2. Tuesday , August 31 at 18.00-20.00

A total of 4 hours of classes.

You choose the price

We do not want the price was a barrier, because you oppose it pr 3 to choose the amount.

Choose the amount that is right for you and you want to spend on our course.  

The value of the course will be the same regardless of the price you choose.

140  PLN 
150  PLN 
160  PLN 

  We do not cooperate with Multisport or OK System programs.

We issue VAT invoices.

You can provide us with details in the Notes on the registration form or write to us at 

You were previously registered for the course and  do you have frozen funds with us?

Use the form to choose the classes you are interested in and use the frozen amount!


thematic courses

Tuesday 30.03.2021, 9.00 p.m.

Pałac Pod Baranami, 1st floor, in front of the cinema "Kino Pod Baranami", Rynek Główny 27

Lindy Hop & Authentic Jazz
Thematic courses

Lindy Hop and Authentic Jazz

For the last 2 weeks of July, we offer you 4-hour thematic mini-courses that you can combine with each other .

Or maybe you have only solo courses and want to try Lindy Hop? We have an intensive 8-hour full-basics course for you!

Take a look at the schedule and choose for yourself one, two or 3 courses for the swing end of the month!

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Descriptions of classes

Lindy Hop 1  | A course from the basics, all details can be found here>

Lindy Hop Fancy Flow  | Ania & Filippo - Choose this course if you want to improve your technique and connection while learning our favorite fancy flow connections and turns! Jump in if you have completed at least 3 levels.

Lindy Hop Fancy Moves  | Marta & Tomek  - Less technique, more pieces! If you have been dancing for a short time and want to expand your repertoire, this course is for you!

Lindy Hop Footwork & Variations  | TBA - Choose this course if you feel comfortable in basic rhythm and want to go crazy with rhythmic variations or add glamorous styling to popular figures.

Big Apple  | Marta - One of the most famous and dynamic solo swing choreographies. You will need a swing dance (the basics of Linda or Authentic Jazz or Charleston) or any previous movement experience.

Course  Authentic Jazz from A to Z , as seen in the previous schedule, will take place in August. Details coming soon!

You choose the price

We do not want the price was a barrier, because you oppose it pr 3 to choose the amount.

Choose the amount that is right for you and you want to spend on our course.  

The value of the course will be the same regardless of the price you choose.

Thank you!

Prices are for 4-hour thematic courses. The prices of the 8-hour course from scratch can be found here >>

140  PLN 
150  PLN 
160  PLN 

  We do not cooperate with Multisport or OK System programs.

We issue VAT invoices.

You can provide us with details in the Notes on the registration form or write to us at 

You were previously registered for the course and  do you have frozen funds with us?

Use the form to choose the classes you are interested in and use the frozen amount!

Kotwica 1
Lindy Hop Couple Chaleston

Intensive week
with Couple Charleston

Tuesday 30.03.2021, 9.00 p.m.

Pałac Pod Baranami, 1st floor, in front of the cinema "Kino Pod Baranami", Rynek Główny 27

First Kick level | Level Up
2 levels of advancement

Intensive 3 days
with Couple Charleston

Couple Charleston, an inseparable part of our Lindy Hop!

Start your Kicks adventure on First Kicks or master your skills and learn advanced crazy variations on Level Up!

At the First Kicks level all you need is freedom in the basic triple step transitions.

At Level Up , you need freedom in the basics of Charleston's Couple.

Both groups will be led by Marta Pindych with Tomasz Danielak.

Choose your group and come charleston with us!

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You choose the price

We do not want the price was a barrier, because you oppose it pr 4 amount to choose from.

Choose the amount that is right for you and you want to spend on our course.  

The value of the course will be the same regardless of the price you choose.

Thank you!

220  PLN 
230  PLN 
250  PLN 
270  PLN 

  We do not cooperate with Multisport or OK System programs.

We issue VAT invoices.

You can provide us with details in the Notes on the registration form or write to us at 

You were previously registered for the course and  do you have frozen funds with us?

Use the form to choose the classes you are interested in and use the frozen amount!


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Courses location

Pałac Pod Baranami


Rynek Główny 27, I piętro



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Invoice details

Fundacja Kultury Złotej Ery Swingu Swing & Sway

Zygmunta Augusta 5/2 ; 31-504 Kraków 

Nip 679 309 81 48

Bank transfer details

Swing & Sway, BZWBK Bank

Regular courses, online courses, donations

34 1090 1665 0000 0001 2303 3141

Intense courses, events, online courses, donations

36 1090 1665 0000 0001 2303 3396

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(c) 2021 Design Anna Makselan-Vieux

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